
Wild Woman and Wild Man

I love when modern myths converge with ancient mythic concepts. All of us Gen x ladies know Tank Girl. She was the wild feminine we all aspired to be as teenagers. She echoed all of the Ancient ProtoIndoEuropean goddesses like Skadi in Scandinavian myths, Artemis in Greek myths, Arduinna in Celtic myths, Devana in Slavic myths, and Aranyanni in Hindu myths. Much like our other 80's icons like Punky Brewster and Pippi Longstocking, these female protagontists that symbolized the Divine Feminine who had to survive without any protection from the divine masculine, helped young women grow through the painful awareness of how fragile life can be in such a harsh world. The 80's was a time when the Baby Boomers came into their full power and often that power was to abandon their own children for the capitalistic addictions of materialism. 80's shows had so many refrences to parents abandoning their children, that is was common to have bulletins every night with news anchors asking

Bringing a new Awareness through Good words

I was talking about the Anthroposophy concepts of planetary bodies with a friend this morning. We were going over the connection between Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Venus represents the divine feminine in the world, the part of us that is connected to understanding the psychic emanations of the spiritual world around us. Venus is a receptive principle and she has her shadow just as much as the other planets. Her shadow lives in fear and anxiety of the unknown instead of trust in the Divine. These fears can cloud her creativity and intuition and make her see the worst possible scenarios of the world. In her lightened aspect, she can see the best possible outcomes of the world and ways to channel hope and goodwill. Mars, on the other hand, is the masculine principle of us that wants to impose our will on the world. If Mars is occulted in shadow, our will becomes selfish and cruel and we want to hurt those who cause us discomfort. Our Martian desires to dominate, will cause us to say and do


 Ymir In the beginning, there was a space between the primal land of ice (Nifleheimr) and the primal land of fire (Muspelheimr), in that Ginnungagap grew Ymir the first of all giants. His body was so vast that his matter was used to create our known universe, the reality of Midgard. The name Ymir in Old Norse comes from the Proto-Germanic word JUMJAZ (*yum-yaz!*) and from the ProtoIndoEuropean root word yemh, which means "twin". This twin motif could relate to the fact that Ymir was hermaphroditic, a combination of the genders, or also that requires a "Twin" energy. Who would Ymir have as a twin? Could that be the souls that grow within him? The beings that are budding in consciousness within the matrix of his molecular structure?  I heard a new age guru say in a video that if we see the universe as chaotic, our life appears to us as chaotic, but if we see the universe as benevolent, that it becomes a benevolent force to us and changes our life. I chuckled thinking


  Hagalaz Balance is what creates health Both in the mind and in the body. Just enough hardship for the physical frame To grow in strength Just enough starvation To cleanse the blood Just enough service of spirit To humble the mind Just enough of the unknown To increase gratitude Just enough hardship But not too much. Hardship does not create trouble Too much hardship creates trouble Not enough hardship creates trouble Hardship in balance gives strength and purpose The work reveals the purpose The purpose reveals the Self If you seek to find the self Find something to work for.

Death to Blindness & Expansion into Choice

 Sagittarius New Moon, Nov 23, 2022 Death to Blindness & Expansion into Choice "One is called Ali or Váli, son of Odin and Rindr: He is daring in fights, and a most fortunate marksman." - Gylfaggining "Rindr will bear Váli in western halls; that son of Óðinn will kill when one night old – he will not wash hand, nor comb head, before he bears to the pyre Baldr's adversary." - Baldrs Draumr Vali is the God born from Odin's desire for revenge for Baldr, his beloved son of love and goodness, who died at the hands of jealousy. Vali had no choice at his birth and the experiences he awoke in. In a way, he was conscripted into a fight that he had no participation in making. He was born innocent of a woman who was filled with madness, yet he choose the right thing to do. His love for his father led him to slay the god Hodr, which means "blindness", showing that he was a being that choose to see everything for what it was, knowing that he had no part i


Samhain is a time for gentleness. There is a tenderness to this turning of the wheel, a surrendering into the transition between life and death. It is a time for mindfulness and openness to one's spirit. Consequently, this is a time for mystics to also discover more of their abilities. Surprises come from the Spirit realms as the death happening in nature holds open a portal for all of us to stare into those realms. Many of us forget that the land determines what happens to us. We are shaped by nature around us. We can fight against it or we can learn to dance with it. The land and her spirits can train us to walk with nature and not against her. As she transitions between the fecund life-force of summer to the waning death throes of Autumn and Winter, she leaves a portal to the underworld open for us. If we are empathetic to her and open to her teaching, we can walk through those portals and find more about who we are and what we can do. If we see her as beneath us in arrogance

Letter From Your Disir

To my beautiful child, Long have I sat here by Urd’s well, watching you live your life. Long have I yearned to brush your hair off your brow and kiss you sweetly while you slept. Long have I waited in the shadows to shower you with loving words. As I sit here in the mists of Hel, I long to hear even your gentle breath or your sweet laughter. I have watched every moment of your life. I have cried with you in the nights you felt all alone. I have whispered into the ears of others, urging them to hold you with arms I have not and giving you sweet words with a voices I have not. I have flown into your dreams to encourage you and show you that you are not alone. I have rejoiced with every one of your triumphs and cried with you at every one of your defeats. On the rare times, I can find a person close to you who will allow me to channel my love to you, I shower you with radiant unending love. I can tell you how proud I am of you and how much I am so honored that you came from