Letter From Your Disir

To my beautiful child,

Long have I sat here by Urd’s well, watching you live your life. Long have I yearned to brush your hair off your brow and kiss you sweetly while you slept. Long have I waited in the shadows to shower you with loving words. As I sit here in the mists of Hel, I long to hear even your gentle breath or your sweet laughter. I have watched every moment of your life. I have cried with you in the nights you felt all alone. I have whispered into the ears of others, urging them to hold you with arms I have not and giving you sweet words with a voices I have not. I have flown into your dreams to encourage you and show you that you are not alone. I have rejoiced with every one of your triumphs and cried with you at every one of your defeats.
On the rare times, I can find a person close to you who will allow me to channel my love to you, I shower you with radiant unending love. I can tell you how proud I am of you and how much I am so honored that you came from the fruits of my life. You may never have met me and you may not even know my name, but that doesn’t stop my love for you. I will watch over you every moment your heart beats in this Midgard world and then when it beats its last, I will stand on the shores of the Underworld waiting to welcome you home.
I will chase all the bad spirits away and those who seek to harm you. I will work what small magics I can from here to either protect you or give you strength and encouragement to get through it. I see all that you’ve suffered and I long to comfort you. Hold on, my child. I will send people your way to love you. You are never alone, for I am always watching.
I hear what you say to yourself when no one is around, my Love, and I urge you to be kinder to yourself. I and all your grandmothers love you with the fierceness of an ocean. Our love is endless for you. Do not let the failings of your parents or the people around you drive you to self-hatred, for every part of you is a treasure: your body, your mind, your soul. Be good to yourself. Love yourself and be gentle with your heart. I know that when you are wounded or out of touch with yourself, that you can’t hear me, so I will send people to love you. Do not abuse them, my child, for they come with my heart. Do not cast them aside because you see kindness as weakness. Here in the Halls of the Disir, we know the wounds that all men carry in their hearts. We know the pain that your suffering has brought you. We know the suffering that you heap upon yourself with your own self-doubt and mistrust. We bring kind words, words filled with the wisdom of history, words of every loving mother and every hopeful heart. We bring you that hope and love, so you may know that you are indeed worthy of it. You may abandon us and run from our love. You may even shun those we send and grow blind and deaf to our messages, yet still will we love you. You may forsake the Halls of your Ancestors, but we still wait here for you in the mists. If this life breaks you, we will find you a place here where you can mend and then start again once you have regained wholeness.
Don’t forget, my child, that every moment you are alive, is a moment to reweave your fate and grow in experience. This Midgard world gives you a chance to live and grow and become something new.
Because we love you so much, we will never intrude or deter you from what you want in life. We will weep when we see you hurt yourself by not loving who and what you are, but we love you enough to give you the free will to take your course. We will only interfere if asked, so Child, know that if you need anything from us, you must ask. We can help only if you seek us out. It is easy if you know our name or our stories, but you can just call us Maman, Amma, Edda, Granny, Idisi.

We love you with all our being,

Your Disir

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