Wild Woman and Wild Man
I love when modern myths converge with ancient mythic concepts. All of us Gen x ladies know Tank Girl. She was the wild feminine we all aspired to be as teenagers. She echoed all of the Ancient ProtoIndoEuropean goddesses like Skadi in Scandinavian myths, Artemis in Greek myths, Arduinna in Celtic myths, Devana in Slavic myths, and Aranyanni in Hindu myths. Much like our other 80's icons like Punky Brewster and Pippi Longstocking, these female protagontists that symbolized the Divine Feminine who had to survive without any protection from the divine masculine, helped young women grow through the painful awareness of how fragile life can be in such a harsh world. The 80's was a time when the Baby Boomers came into their full power and often that power was to abandon their own children for the capitalistic addictions of materialism. 80's shows had so many refrences to parents abandoning their children, that is was common to have bulletins every night with news anchors asking parents if they let their kids into the house that night. The boomer's were the first generation of two working parents in the home and there was no societal structure to help them adjust. That generation literally worked until they dropped and children were seen as "material objects" like collectables than actual human beings. The boomer's were the first generation to truly sell their very souls to the Gods of money and commerce. They also sold their kids. Even the spiritual movement was a commodity, to be bought and sold. Gurus were judged on how many books they sold, not whether or not they healed or helped people. With no spiritual guidance and no emotional support, many young women in the 80's had no models for divine feminine guidance until the wilderness goddesses showed up. Post-Apocalypse was the genre because that was how the lndscape of the human heart was at that time. The human soul was abandoned for the pursuit of money and fame. This left the emotional and spiritual well-being of everyone at that time, abandoned and caged into the expectations of capitalism. If any healing was to be found, it was in the wilds, the unknown lands not yet corrupted by capitalism and the addiction to materialism over spirituality.