Bringing a new Awareness through Good words

I was talking about the Anthroposophy concepts of planetary bodies with a friend this morning. We were going over the connection between Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Venus represents the divine feminine in the world, the part of us that is connected to understanding the psychic emanations of the spiritual world around us. Venus is a receptive principle and she has her shadow just as much as the other planets. Her shadow lives in fear and anxiety of the unknown instead of trust in the Divine. These fears can cloud her creativity and intuition and make her see the worst possible scenarios of the world. In her lightened aspect, she can see the best possible outcomes of the world and ways to channel hope and goodwill. Mars, on the other hand, is the masculine principle of us that wants to impose our will on the world. If Mars is occulted in shadow, our will becomes selfish and cruel and we want to hurt those who cause us discomfort. Our Martian desires to dominate, will cause us to say and do the worst things in order to inflict fear and control over others. Mars’ shadow is fear leading to domination and control. Healing the Martian shadow is about learning our desire for control over others and learning to be responsible in our words and deeds to cultivate a safe place for the divine feminine to grow within us and around us. In its exalted state, Mars protects the life-force of the Earth and acts as guardian to the beings on this planet. When Mars and Venus interact, they give birth to Mercury. Mercury being the spirit of mind that comes from the divine masculine and feminine parts of the Self. Mercury is the swift planet of ideas and creativity which feeds back into Mars and Venus and they create a divine trinity of energies that help all of us ascend and become a better individual in this world. The Moon is the force of this world that created the separation of gender in the first place and it represents the emotions that arise from being a Soul in a material body here on this plane of existence. The moon shows us how to interact with our bodies and with our physical experience as we walk through our enlightenment in life. The moon has its shadow, as well, and can represent the consumptive urges we have. The moon represents both our higher and lower desires. The shadow of the moon is when we desire only to fulfill the needs of our body at the expense of others and even our own future. The moon can show us where we sabotage ourselves and our own evolution. Bringing the lunar consciousness from the shadow and into the light requires taking the best care of our physical selves based upon what we know. When we learn new ways to take care of our bodies and bring them into balance, we incorporate those as well. We treat our bodies with love and with kindness because we are grateful for the chance to have a physical incarnation here on this planet. 

Today, the moon is moving from Cancer into Leo. The moon in Cancer is the awareness of the needs of the body. Today you might feel a lot of emotions if you have not treated your body with kindness. You may feel those self-betrayals deeply. The key here is self-forgiveness and re-correction of self-directed thoughts and actions to bring the body back into balance. This will balance the emotions and prepare you for the moon to enter the sign of Leo which will give you insight on how to understand how to better take care of the body. Venus is in Pisces right now, which is bringing the Divine Feminine into the arena of shamanic awareness. She is connected to Mars who is in Gemini , which is the urge to use communication to create change right now. The key here is if Mars is occulted and not mindful of what he is saying, he can throw Venus into darkness. By watching our words: what we say to others and say to ourselves, we will allow Venus to rise into higher awareness. If we pay attention and speak kindly to others and ourselves. If we make sure that we take the urge to say something and turn it into a change to encourage others, to uplift them, and to share love with ourselves and others, we could change the internal Venusian energies to pull up shamanic understanding from our best timelines. By speaking with love, the planets will aid us in obtaining shamanic insight that will aid our future. For right now, Mercury is in Capricorn, which is affecting how all of us think about and understand the traditions and industries of our current world. If we allow Mars to bring Venus into shadow, we will become fixated on all the the things that isn’t working in the world, but if we use discipline with our Martian urge to communicate and say the most uplifting words to ourselves and others, we will begin to see a new future of industry and start to see solutions to the very problems in the world that vex us now. We don’t have to go out and start a company or do a lot of work, right now, we can ride the celestial waves of enlightenment to begin by just using more loving words with ourselves and others. Mars is there to help us build the divine world we are wishing for. The Divine Masculine is the builder and constructive force in this world. When we heal the Martian energies in ourselves, that healing begins to extend out into the world and the world literally will transform around us.

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