Samhain is a time for gentleness. There is a tenderness to this turning of the wheel, a surrendering into the transition between life and death. It is a time for mindfulness and openness to one's spirit. Consequently, this is a time for mystics to also discover more of their abilities. Surprises come from the Spirit realms as the death happening in nature holds open a portal for all of us to stare into those realms. Many of us forget that the land determines what happens to us. We are shaped by nature around us. We can fight against it or we can learn to dance with it. The land and her spirits can train us to walk with nature and not against her. As she transitions between the fecund life-force of summer to the waning death throes of Autumn and Winter, she leaves a portal to the underworld open for us. If we are empathetic to her and open to her teaching, we can walk through those portals and find more about who we are and what we can do. If we see her as beneath us in arrogance, those portals literally become invisible and we yearn for something we cannot grasp...or have closed off from our unwillingness to open our hearts to others and ourselves. This is a time for tenderness and compassion, kindness to others and ourselves. This is a time to quiet the mind so spirits get the chance to speak and we get the honor of listening to them. This time is a time of wonder and spiritual openness.

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