Death Moon
(The Raven by Gustave Dore)
Death Moon
When the surging of the light
Spins webs of solstice might
There swells the Death moon tide.
For as all things must have balance
Where the light becomes bright
The dead surge forward in the dark mass of the night.
For Death moon tide has solemn light
Where the Dead dance and sway
In the hearts and minds of men.
For twelve days the Solstice sun burns
Such height the light illuminates
As the depths of Helheim are penetrated.
As Mani grows and waxes bright
We can commune more clearly in that light
And the Death moon tide balances out the day.
For as Summer’s Height full of light and life
The Gods remind us of life’s conception
For something died to be reborn.
And lifetimes are merely reflections
On waters stilled in the Death moon’s light
That can be glanced within dreams and sought by firelight.
For as in the Ancient times
The solstice sun melts the ice of our minds
Opening up eyes to the mysteries beyond our limited sight.
And the Death moon’s tide waxes bright
While we revel in the darkness and the light
As the Gods on the Garth do dwell and play.
- Christina Marvel